Friday, November 18, 2016

Psycho, and The Twist that shocked the World Gerald Mallison

Image result for psycho
The story of Psycho begins with our assumed main character Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) talking to her boyfriend Sam Loomis (John Gavin) about his financial troubles and their intentions to get married. Unfortunately, this all changes when Marion steals $40,000 from her job as a banker and flees from all of her friends and family. After constant harassment from the police and an unbearable weather conditions, Marion stumbles upon the Bates Motel. She then meets and befriends a young Motel manager named Norman who owns the motel with his mother Norma Bates. During a long discussion about hopes with Norman, Marion decides that the best thing to do is return the money back to her job before the situation became more severe. Of course this then leads to the infamous shower scene and passing of the torch from protagonist to antagonist. Going from the redemption story of an innocent women, to a man doing whatever it takes to hide his family's biggest secret. Changing the entire film structure in one well directed and composed scene, giving the audience a villain to unite against instead of a hero to believe in. We then continue the story of Norman trying to hide a secret even he doesn’t quite understand himself. Leading to the Norman lying to the police and the death of a private investigator. After all of this unfolds Sam and Marions sister Lila Crane (Vera Miles) go to the motel and investigate themselves. Disguising themselves as a married couple, Sam and Lila come across the corpse of Norman’s mother. Revealing that not only did Norman murder his mother and father in law, but he has been murdering people in his mother’s self conscious. Norman had killed his mother and father in law due to his obsession over his mother and jealousy towards their relationship. Our movie ends with our heroes distraught and Norman with the biggest smiles of the movie.

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