Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Winter's Bone-Julianna Migliaro

I would like to begin this post by pointing out a recurring theme in this movie and Crooklyn. That theme being that the main character is a younger girl, in the case of Winter's Bone, the main character Ree is far older than Tony in Crooklyn. But what difference does that make when both characters are fighting to help protect their families as much as they can?

In both movies, it is noted that both families are in very strenuous financial situations, homes compromised. The only real difference is the absence of Ree's father in her storyline.

In this movie, the main plot focuses around the fact that the main character's father put a bond on the house, forcing the family in danger of losing their home once the father goes missing. It is then up to Ree to find him, and once she does find him she has to prove that he is no longer alive in order to save the household.

One moment that really stuck out to me in the movie in regards to the theme of the young girl fighting to help their families is when Ree went to try to join the army. She would've done anything to have gotten that $40,000 instant cash in order to save her family, but she wasn't old enough. However, she went into that recruitment station and even asked to bring along her younger siblings just to take care of them and get them in a better environment.

While this wasn't my favorite movie to watch, I would happily recommend it's viewing. It is a well-paced movie, with almost never a dull moment.

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