Thursday, May 7, 2015

Jaws - Jamie Pisacane

Jaws was an interesting movie. Who would of thought of a movie about sharks? And more importantly, make it interesting and funny! Not me! But Steven Spielberg did! What made me sad was that they made sharks seem like a dangerous creature. Yes, you shouldn't go near sharks. But, they aren't out to kill us.

Sharks don't like the taste of us. Usually a shark will bite us due to curiosity. They don't know what is splashing around in the water, so they mistake us for a seal. Usually, a shark will take one bite, and that's it. They don't like the taste, so they won't take anymore than a single bite. 100 million sharks are killed every year, while sharks kill about 37 humans a year.

So, in the end, this movie give sharks a bad name. People will start fearing sharks more and hunting them. We shouldn't do that, sharks don't care about humans.

Hopefully, more movies will come out with sharks, and it won't give them a bad name, but actually teach kids about sharks!!

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