Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Armani Maldonado: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

According to "," the second of the Lucas/Spielberg Indiana Jones epics is set a year or so before the events in Raiders of the Lost Ark, classifying it as a prequel. Indy (Harrison Ford) needs to retrieve a precious gem and several kidnapped young boys on behalf of a remote East Indian village. This time he teams up with a night club singer (Kate Capshaw) and a 12-year old boy (Jonathan Ke Quan).

I am still confused on why we jumped immediately to the prequel of the Indiana Jones films instead of beginning from the first, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Monahan explained that this film would be seem very "dark," but I did not catch the feeling. It seemed like what I would expect the typical Indiana Jones film to be like, goofy and action packed. Overall, I thought the film was pretty good, though I did miss much of the second half. I would probably find myself rewatching this movie and possibly even the others. 

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." Eventful. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2015.

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