Friday, May 1, 2015

Keala - Beasts of the Southern Wild Blog

In this movie Beasts of the Southern Wild, Quvenzhane Wallis plays as Hushpuppy. A girl who is taught survival and how to live off of her surroundings. She was taught to be strong and never cry. Hushpuppy is a girl who is taught how to live by her single father and the people around her. The community nurtures Hushpuppy with tough love and survival skills. Some of these skills include eating seafood, learning how to make medicine from the earth (kind of like home remedies), etc. Hushpuppy’s father Wink, played by Dwight Henry, was very stern in the way that he raised his daughter. She had her own place for living where she talked to her makeshift mother. She was told that her mother swam away and never came back but throughout the movie you can infer that  He didn’t show physical love, but he showed it emotionally, especially when Hushpuppy was in danger. In one part of the film, Hushpuppy tested her dad by not escaping her house when it caught on fire while she was cooking. You can tell how much he loved and cared for her by the way he reacted by putting himself in danger just to get her out safe and alive. Hushpuppy is different from 6 year olds I know because all of the ones I‘ve encountered are in school and still learning their rights from wrongs. Hush puppy is able to live and survive on her own after her father dies. In the movie Hushpuppy has always been told “no crying” but before he passes away they have a touching moment where they hug and cry together. The movie ends when she sets her dad’s body on fire because that was his wish.

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