Thursday, March 5, 2015

Malcolm x Kyle w

This movie was crack. I never knew Malcolm x lived the way he did even being a Muslim. Denzel Washington did a amazing job staging Malcolm x. The movie is about Malcolm x living fast being a gangster with a group of other hoodlums. He screws the boss over and dips off out of sight with the white woman. They began breaking in people houses and get caught. The crime was sleeping with white woman though that's why they got jailed. Malcolm meets a Muslim guy and begans being taught the Muslim ways in jail. When Malcolm leaves jail he begans to go to the temple and meet Elijah Muhammad and began being a preacher of the temple. This goes on and Malcolm gets married to a lady and has 3 or 4 kids. Malcolm gets the most shins so the other brothers get jealous and starts telling lies to Elijah Muhammad and he believes them. They put a hit out on Malcolm trying to kill him by trying burn his house setting bombs in his car etc. calling his house saying he's a dead nigga. Malcolm x starts staying In hotels and leaves his wife in a house the brothers keep threating them calling him saying his a dead nigga. This is all I remember because class was over and i was sick to come back to school to watch the rest. I'm dying to see how the movie ends.

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