Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Rocky #DamianHenderson

Damian V Henderson Jr

Rags to riches. How I would describe the Rocky movie. From little fights not getting a lot of money and fame to fighting the greatest boxer and champion of the world. Rocky started out as just a little boxer from Philly. He wasn't going anywhere in his career being an older boxer. He had a couples little fights where he made little to no money. He lived in a little apartment and had a lot of pets. In the beginning he didn't have anyone but his pets to keep him company. No family, just his pets and his one friend Paulie. Paulie had a sister who worked at the pet store that Rocky goes to. Her name was Adrian. Adrian didn't give Rocky the time of day at this point of the movie. Rocky would come in and try to make conversation but Adrian was very shy. She would not even respond to Rocky.

Because of Rocky's lack of income from boxing he had to find other ways to make money. He worked with these mafia members on the side of boxing. He was what you would call an enforcer. But he wasn't very good at it because he was too nice. He cared a lot for people and couldn't really do what he was supposed to do as an enforcer.

Time goes by and Rocky's career is coming to an end it seems. He has been moved out of his locker at his gym because his trainer felt like he was washed up and it was time for him to train new boxers. So his trainer pretty much turned his back on him. In his defense Rocky didn't actually take the boxing 100% serous like he should have. He smokes and drinks, he even does it sometimes right before or after he is about to fight. This pretty much indicates that his career is almost over.
Meanwhile, Apollo Creed is looking for an opponent. Apollo is the greatest boxer of that era. He was looking for an opponent to fight against for the championship. And this time he is willing to let and no name little boxer compete for the title. And this certain no name was Rocky.

When Rocky got the news that he could have a chance to fight Apollo Creed he declined it. He felt like he couldn't stack up to the great boxer. But time when by and he felt like he had nothing to lose. So he started training for the fight. When news got out that Rocky was fighting Apollo he started getting some fans. His trainer Mickey wanted to try to come back into his life when he heard the news. He wanted to train Rocky again but Rocky said he didn't want anything to do with  him. Also his friend Paulie helped him get through his training. He at Rocky went at it at times but they were good enough friends that they worked through it. Paulie even let Rocky train in his freezer where all his meats were. He used the meats as punching bags. By this time Rocky and Adrian have a thing for each other. Adrian eventually opened up to Rocky and they really like each other. Adrian supported Rocky throughout his entire training period. And even when Rocky felt like he couldn't go through with the fight, Adrian was there to talk him into believing himself and having the confidence to stand up to Apollo Creed.

While Rocky is preparing for the fight of his life, Apollo isn't taking the fight serious at all. He isn't even training and is too busy worried about the publicity. This approach he is taking too this fight will eventually come back to bite him.

It is time too fight and Rocky is ready too go. He gets his good luck from Adrian and is off to the ring. On the other side Apollo sees this as a show. He come out on what looks like a parade float and is dressed up like George Washington. He clearly is not taking this fight serious. These too are going at it now and instantly Apollo is still toying with Rocky. Dancing around the ring. But Rocky gets Apollo out of his playful act with a hit that seemed to have shocked Apollo. After this the fight got serious and it went down to the wire. Each boxer has been knocked down and beaten up. This was a huge accomplishment for Rocky because he was the first person to knock down the champion. The fight is over and these too have went the distance. Apollo was named champion be unanimous decision but all Rocky wanted was the love from Adrian.

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