Monday, October 24, 2016

Previous Film experience #MichaelLee

I think I have a pretty good resume when it comes to film. Film is something that interests me more than anything. I've been watching war movies and documentaries since I was little. My favorite movies are Saving Private Ryan, Patton, Full Metal Jacket, Jar head, and a many more [Tell me more. I, too, have been known to enjoy  a good war film; however, I suspect the attraction for you may go deeper esp. if one considers your possible life after high school. Additionally, I would like to hear a nuanced examination of combat films that depict conflicts before and after WWII. Do other demarcations such as Vietnam and post-9/11 make significant differences in filmmakers approaches to the  material? Finally, have you ever seen The Best Years of Our Lives? ].

At my old middle school, I used to take film class. We would create funny scripts or serious documentaries at times, but those years in that class were so of my best. I also participated in the morning news at my old middle school. I usually used one of the cameras or teleprompter. I didn't like being on camera too much.

My old middle school film teacher was named Mr. Slusky. He was certainly a character and had a weird sense of humor. As 5th graders, we were terrible at spelling and grammar. He would make us take English tests to improve our grammar so that when we write scripts he could actually understand them okay.

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