Sunday, October 16, 2016

Man on Wire #davidharris

David Harris
Man on a Wire

This movie, the 2008 Best Feature Documentary Man On Wire, describes a very weird human being from my perspective, but he has such a joy I yearn for. His joy and free spirit are something I pray for every night. To be free, to have no fair [care?], to want to accomplish dreams and goals you set no matter how out of this world they are.

I can say I inspire [aspire] to be something like this man. Yes, people say he is weird and don’t understand why he risked his life just to walk on a wire; it's deeper than that. You have to think about the time and effort and how his friends helped him in this crazy mission. Even they had to believe in him to let him basically go on a suicide mission. He has a faith anyone can wish for and a great mind to create such a wire across the two buildings. Not once did he look back on his mission and goals, that's what caught my eye.

On August 7, 1974,Philippe Petit, a French wire walker, juggler, and street performer days shy of his 25th birthday, spent 45 minutes walking, dancing, kneeling, and lying on a wire he and friends strung between the rooftops of the Twin Towers. The film expertly uses contemporary interviews, archival footage, and recreations to tell the story of his previous walks between towers of Notre Dame cathedral and the Sydney Harbor Bridge. His passions and friendships, and the details of the night before the walk getting cable into the towers, hiding from guards, and mounting the wire are all on view. It ends with observations of the profound changes the walk's success brought to Philippe and those closest to him.

This was illegal and as cops try to get him down he would laugh and go back in the middle of the wire [an element of Film Noir, perhaps? The morally ambiguous protagonist]. Everyone wanted to know, why? Although they questioned, he questioned right back and said, why not?

I would recommend this film to other people because it shows you how to get over fears and not to worry. If a man can walk on a wire then it shows you can do anything you put your mind to. The theme is not to have fear in life. Just live life and enjoy it!

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