Monday, March 6, 2017

Malcom X

Image result for malcolm xThe film Malcolm X directed by Spike Lee was an incredible representation of the civil rights activist and was able to capture the culture deep rooted during this time period.  The film shows the legendary African American leader Malcolm Little's (Denzel Washington) life starting as a young adult.  Him and his good friend Shorty (Spike Lee) we gangsters, who robbed houses and  slept with white women.  They soon get caught and are sentence to years in prison.  While in prison Malcolm discovered the Nation of Islam and the birth of Malcolm X began.  Malcolm began to preach on the Islamic religion when he was released from jail.  He becomes a huge leader and became a hard believer that whites are the devil and that African Americans shall return to their home land at white whites snatched them from.  Malcolm X from corner to corner.would preach his beliefs creating many supports and also many enemies.  These enemies soon got out of hand.  Threatening him and his family on a daily basis.  Sooner than later he enemies got the best of him and Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21st, 1965 in New York City.                             

The one remarkable thing that stood out to me was when Malcolm X was able to lead a group of Islamic believers to March down the street protesting against the policeman. At this point in the movie Malcolm became the leader he is known of today.  With just the simple hand movement showed how much influence he had on people.  Even when we was just marching on the street random people when in there join in the march with just the fact that Malcolm was leading it.  Another incredible part of the film was the consisted threats that Malcolm began to face.  Nonstop, there were phone calls to his house from people treating his life if he kept preaching the way he did.  There was even an attempt to kill him and his family in a house fire.  I think the film definitively captured the struggle Malcolm had to go through even though he had many people who favored him.  

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