Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Coming off of our critical viewing of the Best Picture of 1976, director John G. Avildsen's Rocky, we continue our exploration of the American Dream with the 2008 feature film Sugar. The titular character Miguel "Sugar" Santos is an aspiring baseball player from the Dominican Republic [here we could make comparisons to the short stories of Junot Diaz that also grapple with the themes of the American Dream and identity formation].

     After playing with his peers and striking out 3 [write out numbers less than ten] times [batters] the following day the lists were posted up he was separated from his friends because he was put on the Straight-A list in Iowa Bridgetown. He seemed a bit sad. While trying to adjust in the new house he was put in they try to communicate to him in Spanish he easily replied to them in English. Now it was his first professional game and he threw 4 outings out the box, he's nervous. Until his friend Jorge tells him, "It's just like back home, just relax." He gets back into the swing of things and easily gets three strikes.

     He goes to the clubs gerund game to have fun an dance. A girl dances w/ him but she had a boyfriend and him and Jorge end up getting into a fight and leave the club.


I am encouraged by your enthusiasm and attention to detail; however, I would like more context and analysis. Your post as it stands has an over-reliance on recall/retell. I look forward to reading more of your work.


1 comment:

  1. Tati, I have embedded suggestions towards revision directly in your post. Additionally, I would appreciate it if you would read and comment on my recent post "A Guide to Evaluating Blog Posts."

