Tuesday, September 22, 2015


     The ending to Rocky was not really at all what I expected. Even though I'd never watched Rocky, I always thought that it was just a classic example of an American Dream film, where Rocky goes from being a nobody fighter to a real champion. As we got further into the movie, I realized that it was pretty much everything I expected it to be from the beginning fight with a random other boxer to the training montages and of course the Rocky theme song but then we got to the end when Rocky fights Apollo Creed in the "fight of the century" and all my correct predictions came to a dead stop as the winner was announced to still be Apollo Creed. I was kinda thrown off by this victory because not only was it not expected, but the win was so close on Rocky's side and it just tipped to Apollo Creed. If Rocky'd gone another three rounds against Apollo then Rocky would've been the clear winner. There were really just a lot of things wrong with that final fight in my opinion.
     I'm not too big on boxing but I did it for a little while and the first thing I learned was to always keep my fists up, just under my eyes to cover my face and to keep my elbows tucked in. These kept me covered from blows to the face and ribs. When the fight started, I didn't see either Rocky or Apollo keeping their defenses up. I suppose I could understand keeping your guard low before there are any actual punches being thrown and in between bursts because you save a little energy but even when Apollo started taking the easy swings at Rocky, no one had their guards up. I also understand that Rocky doesn't have good footwork, seeing as he admits that, but it's a little bit bothersome how easily Apollo just continued to corner Rocky.
     It seems that Rocky should have won the fight in the end also because of how much of a show Apollo was really putting on. And that's really what just pisses me off. Rocky put so much effort into training and the only thing Apollo really cared about was the show aspect of it. Rocky had every right to win!

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