Monday, September 15, 2014

Sugar (Mid-Film)

So far we have only gotten through about half of the movie, Sugar. I actually like the movie somewhat. I believe that the character, Sugar, is very interesting and amusing to watch. I have noticed that he has had issues with romance, and controlling his anger. I look forward to seeing how these two issues will progress throughout the movie.
To be honest, I had trouble paying attention to the movie at some points. For example, I am not sure what his issue with romance was and I also do not know why he acted out on that water dispenser. But from what I've seen, yes, the movie is pretty interesting. I especially enjoy the parts (for some reason) that emphasize how not well at the English language Sugar is. For example, in the restaurant when they ordered French Toast because that is what their guide, Jorge I believe, said. I also enjoyed the part where the white man told Sugar they he needed to work harder, then the man proceeded to say that everyone works hard and asks Sugar if he thinks he is the only one who works hard on the baseball team, Sugar then answered in Spanish that he was speaking too fast and he couldn't understand.
Again, Sugar has been a pretty interesting movie, but I have had trouble paying attention to it. Possibly, as the movie progressed the movie will be able to grasp my attention more and I can give a more in depth opinion on what I think of it.

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