Monday, June 1, 2015

Winter's Bone by Myles Snider

While watching the movie Winter's Bone, I was very moved. The movie is about a girl named Ree that is set out to find her father after their family is in danger of being repossessed. This movie has theme of perseverance. I noticed this theme because she never gave up looking for her father, and along the way, she meets many obstacles, and since her father broke the code, the neighborhood did nothing but make matters worse.

Another theme I found in this movie is gender roles. Gender roles plays a big part because the gender roles in the community were traditional, where the men were more dominant and the females were more responsible of everything. Ree challenges this by being more dominant and going out to look for her father, with all the obstacles, she doesn't give up and the community doesn't really like the fact that she's doing that, so they try to see if she has any men that can do it.

Overall, I like the fact that this movie shows that it's not impossible for a woman to do a man's job. Back then, it wasn't allowed for a woman to do a man's job. So I really like how this movie takes that idea and shows that a woman can do whatever a man can.

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