Thursday, June 11, 2015

Temple of Doom By Deana Tavares

I have never watched an Indianna Jones movie in my entire life, I guess I thought I wouldn't like it much.However I was pleasantly surprised because I ended up really liking the movie. It had its funny moments but was really an action movie. If I am going to watch an action movie it has to be action from beginning to end and in this case it wasn't. It was a bit boring in the beginning so thats the only thing I'd say I didn't like about this movie.  To be short and simple, Indiana Jones is asked to find some weird magical stone by this village. He ends up running  into this insane vulgar cult that rips peoples hearts out and has what I would call, children slaves. Of course the hero saves the day and everything goes back to normal. The other thing I hated about this movie was the bugs. I have like a phobia of bugs so I couldn't even look when they were stuck in that nasty trap. Overall it was a good movie, worth a watch, but not my favorite.


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