Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Indiana Jones x Myles Snider

Recently, our class just finished watching the classic film, "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" I noticed that Steven Spielberg did an excellent job. In this movie, Indiana Jones has a new adventure but this team he teams up with a night club singer named Wilhelmina. Together, the two go to a small Indian village where the sacred stone was stolen. Along the way, they discover the Temple of Doom, which happens to be a booby trapped temple.

Personally, I do love the way this film was directed, although I've honestly never been into the whole Indiana Jones stories, but this film in particular kept my eyes open. It was action filled, suspenseful and full of different mysteries, which is what a movie should have to keep it's audience interested. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone to watch because I think it is a film that most would find enjoyable especially if you're into the action genre.

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