Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Kyle W Winters white bone

Another weird movie film studies watched was Winters White Bone. I couldn't tell you how much i disliked this movie from the beginning to the end. Winters White Bone is set in a setting of the woods. The protagonist is a girl Named Ree who is on the move to find her father because their family is in danger of being repossessed. People beat her up tease her, look down at her, and she looks after her young brother and sister in a cabin but she still fights to find her father. The neighborhood recognized Ree father and herself as a opp just because the father broke the code. The neighborhood does not like and wont accept the fact that she wont give up on looking for her father so they continue to keep testing her. The movie is mostly about a woman being able to do a mans job because back then men were the main genders and do things woman couldn't. So this movie was to even the score and show everyone that woman can do just as much as men can do.

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