Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Beasts of The Southern Wild


     "Beasts of The Southern Wild" is a film that will have you thinking about the love between a father and a daughter. It will also cause you to appreciate what you have in life as well as the importance of being able to adapt to whatever comes at us. The film is about a young girl named Hushpuppy (played by Quvenzhané Wallis) who lives in the southern Louisiana bayou community called the "Bathtub" with her father Wink (played by Dwight Henry). When Wink falls mysteriously ill, nature also falls ill with him. Temperatures rise, the ice caps melt and fearsome prehistoric beasts called aurochs run loose. 
      A big storm hits the "Bathtub" as rising waters threaten to engulf their community and Wink becomes seriously ill sending Hushpuppy in search of her long-lost mother. Hushpuppy's home in the "Bathtub" is destroyed and Wink dies. But Hushpuppy is a tough, spirited survivor who you know will find a way to get by.  
      If I could describe this film to someone I'd tell them, "it's a film with an outlandish situation that's solved with normal solutions, with some elements of fantasy mixed in." I like how the main character Hushpuppy isn't a super hero with a great destiny, but rather is a more relatable protagonist that I think has admirable qualities and could be a good role model for both men and women.  The aurochs are drawn to sadness and distress, which Hushpuppy has in spades. When they try to impose their will upon her, she will not have it. I would recommend going into this movie with an open mind and enjoying this unique film.

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