Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Rocky - Emanuel Luck

Rocky has to be one of those movies that foreigners see and think "Ah this is what America must be like".  While Rocky is an all Time American Classic, there are a few things strike me as odd.  The first one being that the only reason Rocky was chosen to fight Apollo Creed was because he was white, his name the Italian Stallion was the reason he was chosen not because he was a great fighter or any thing of that value, he was just white and the champion who was black thought it would be a great idea.  Another thing that struck me as odd was how Rocky had on of the best training montages in all of American film.  His training was iconic and inspiring and I am pretty sure it caused at least one person to leave his seat and do push ups and the aisle of he movie theater while watching it.  I do not know how they did it, but much like everything else on the planet we do not understand I suspect either aliens or Illuminati.

Rocky to me even though it had a few issues here and there is one of the best actions movies of its time and raised the bar pretty high for any other movie that came after it. If I would rate this movie I would give it 7.8/10  

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