Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Man On Wire

So this documentary was about a man who put a cable between the twin towers and walked across them. I didn't hate this film as much as I thought I would, but it kind of drag itself out. We spent like an hour with them as they were sneaking into the tower and I just wanted them to get up their and get it over with. They did not need to spend that much time describing what it was like to be under a sheet hiding from guards. This isn't a suspenseful novel, this is a documentary!

The film wasn't completely boring thought it was interesting to see how they did it and how it affected them. I think the reason their friendships and relationships fell apart was not only because the fame had gotten to Philippe, but also because now that they had accomplished their goal the team was broken there was no reason for them to stay together. Philippe just seemed to be using them. However I learned awhile ago that there is no such thing as unconditional love we're all just using each other. Do you love your mother? Why? Because she gave birth to you? She did something for you that's why you love her. Why was Philippe with Annie? Because she was their to comfort him. However he had no problem throwing her away. However overall this documentary was able to keep my interest for the most part.

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