Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Gabby Jeannette

Image result for chicago the movie

I, for one am not a huge fan of musical, in all honesty I strongly dislike them. I feel that the singing and dancing can take away from the story line and sometimes even mess up the movie completely. I feel that Chicago was just another one of those musicals, that got ruined by the sing and dancing aspects of it. This movie had potential if you take out the musical portion of it, if it could just be a normal movie, it'd be enjoyable and something I enjoy watching but that isn't possible at this point. Even the filming/setup of this movie is poor. The fact that it jumped form scene to musical number in a different setting was uncalled for and made the story hard to follow. Also, the the acting wasn't the most smooth. I feel like the movie over all was a great movie... if it was made extremely different from how it was actually made. 
I will admit the movie had at least one aspects that I didn't dislike completely and that was when they were singing and dancing because if you truly think about it doing all of that takes a lot of skill. I guess you can say I have more a respect for those part of the movie, more so than a like or dislike. Also, I though the themes of the movie was a good themes and was shown well during the whole movie, one being that you should always try to enjoy the aspects of a city even if you can't see the good in it right away, and the second being love and how not only can it be for other people it can be for a place, such as Chicago. All and all I personally didn't like or enjoy Chicago. I did have much respect for show the dancers did what they did and how the writer gave it good themes. I believe the movie can be loved by many and well known, this was just not my type of film.

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