Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Fruitvale Station - Kameron

Directed and written by Ryan Coogler. This film is based on the events leading to the death of Oscar Grant, a young man who was killed in 2009 by BART police officer Johannes Mehserie at the Fruitvale Bay Area Rapid Transit Station in Oakland California. Oscar Grant, which was played by Michael B. Jordan, was a 22 year old who has been very unsuccessful with obtaining a job. Him and Sophia, which was played by Melonie Diaz, had started to have numerous arguments dealing with their child Tatiana Grant, which was played by Ariana Neal, and also Oscar's infidelities. In the film, it shows Oscar traveling up to San Francisco to indulge in the New Year’s festivities, mainly to see the fireworks. Most people do enjoy going places on special occasions to have a goodles time. While taking the train Grant sees a customer from the grocery store, the store that he once worked at, and they start having a conversation. Throughout the conversation, a former inmate, from when Grant was in prison, calls out his name. The former inmate tries to assault him, which lead to a huge disturbance and resulted into the cops being called. The police searched individuals and used their authority in the wrong way. While trying to obtain Grant, with him laying face down on the platform of the train station, the officer who has Grant in his possession threatens him with a gun to his back. While they were arguing, the police officer’s finger slipped and he fired a shot into Grant’s back. Grant was rushed to the hospital, but then later died. This part in the movie was so sad seeing everyone in complete silence in addition outside of the train station. In the result to this very incident, there were a number of riots and protests based on the death of Oscar Granat.
In my opinion, this film has brought a great amount of exposure to the people as a whole. I think that there should be other ways how police interact with individuals, and also how they handle their gun; everything does not need to be solved with a gun being thrown around. It mostly affected those individuals that are of color; and some individuals that are not of color may have been affected as well. I feel as if this film has helped bring awareness to the world.

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