Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Rebel Without A Cause (Laszlo)

Based on my first viewing of this movie, I'm not sure what to think. The plot seems to be a little hard to follow; it's back and forth between emotions and the constant music that plays throughout [consider revising; awkward syntax]. Watching this so far, I'm reminded of when we watched Psycho. Not sure if that's the music only or if it's the idea of death and the suggestion from Judy and the parents of Jim suggest running away.

I like that Dennis Hopper is in this movie, although I'm pretty sure his acting career isn't that far off the ground at it's production. Monahan was nice enough to point out that he was in the film. I've only seen him with long hair in Easy Rider and current [more recent] pictures of him with white hair.

The scene where Plato is mugged for his address book is a little amusing to me simply because they didn't have phones [be more specific] back then and my first thought was about why he had an address book with him to begin with and then it occurred to me that, duh; they don't have phones.

About the production of this movie, I have to question it for two reasons; the aforementioned lack of attention and a scene (until the point I've viewed it to now) where Jim is laying upside down on his couch and the camera shows an upside down view of his mother coming down the stairs and in the same shot, the camera straightens out. On first thought, one would think that the camera is meant to represent Jim's point of view but after the camera straightens out you can see the mother crouch down to a still upside down Jim. I've yet to figure out the significance then of the camera view.
Probably stereotypical of the time period, but the leather jackets all seem to be worn by the bad guys - the guys trying to (avenge Buzz's death?)

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