Screen Writer/Actor: Sylvester Stallone
What is the American dream? I don't know, in the old days the dream was to be rich and not live in poverty. For Rocky he wanted to be a famous boxer.The movie was suspenseful and somewhat unexpected. The lessons that Rocky learned from the streets are lessons you can't learn in school. It also showed that you have to work hard to get to where you want to be. Never settle for less.Everyone goes through moments in life where they want to give up, everyone goes through moments where they are mentally and physically challenged. When Rocky and Adrian first started seeing each other she was shy and in a shell. Over time her shell broke and her and Rocky finally moved forward. In real life that's how it's supposed to work, just not these days. Before the fights began before Rocky became known, there was a story told, events leading up to the main scene. The underdog is someone who is beneath everyone, or known as a bum, someone who can't provide for themselves, and someone nobody thinks will ever succeed.
I think this time [1976, the Bicentennial] was chosen because it takes a lot to get a whole city [Philadelphia, the home of Independence Hall] to be behind you. It showed how hard Rocky worked to be looked at as a hero and a patriot. From the movie we know that Rocky faced difficulties and habits that he had to get rid of. He was always drinking and smoking, and the man at the gym [Mickey, portrayed by veteran character actor Burgess Meredith] thought he wasn't capable of being the best he could be. Seeing him transform completely made me realize that no matter a person's past they can still turn themselves completely around; it means they're strong.
When the scene was sad so was the music, when the scene was happy so was the music. Imagine having a sad scene with upbeat music playing it would just be contradicting. I don't think anyone wants to be known as a bum. Because Rocky lived in the same place most of his life, his reputation was known for being a bum. He was labeled as a loser when he lost his first fight. Everyone thought they were right, and he wasn't going to be successful. He proved them wrong. Rocky used the anger from the harsh words to turn around and fight like he never did before. Once he fought Apollo Creed, he stood up for fifteen rounds but ended up losing. But he didn't give up.
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