Kevin Vazquez

Out in outer space, who knows what there is to encounter, as there to so much to explore and discover. In the movie Alien, the crew members of the spacecraft Nostromo think they're on their way on a safe trip back to Earth, but little did they know that things were able to change. As they hear a call of distress somewhere in space, after waking up from stasis, they go and investigate what triggered the call. But as the spacecraft receives damage while landing, as some of the crew members begin repairing the ship, those going on to investigate what happened are the ones up for the real trouble. Kane, Dallas, and Lambert go on to find an alien spacecraft, with a chamber full of eggs, and one of the creatures attacks and attaches itself to Kane's face, rendering him unconsciousness. When he is brought back to the spacecraft, he appears to be fine at first, until he begins to lash out and suddenly a small alien ruptures from his insides. At this point, the crew, and the viewers, know that the situation is now horrifying. Knowing nothing of aliens so far, who knows what they are capable of, which is why the crew were cautious of its whereabouts, until they found out it was killing the crew members, which is when they started to freak out. But I mean who wouldn't?