Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Man on Wire Blog by Nyshiah Simon

Nyshiah Simon
Man On Wire

The movie Man On Wire was about a man that walks from one twin tower to the other. This is where the wire part comes in - Him [Phillipe Petit] and some  people that were also walking across the wire ??? put the wire up. But of course they had someone that was not about their word and bailed out on them at the last minute. I personally think that if you’re going to be doing anything as risky as this you are going to need solid people on your team. People YOU know you can count on . Not only are you worrying about if you make it or not but so are your family members. Life can be all about taking risk and stuff but I personally think there are limits to that. I know I’m scared of heights so you WOULD NOT be seeing me doing anything like this. Everybody thinks differently so you never know what is going through the next person's mind so you should always take that into consideration. He was a very brave risk taker in the act that he put on for everyone and he got a lot of respect for that even though they arrested him he ended up out of prison as long as he did shows for little kids so it was like he didn’t even have a real punishment but he was banned from the towers. Tis movie wasn’t really the kind of movie that I would choose to watch but I did realize that life is too short to not take risks.

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