Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Siramad Gonzalez "the beast of the southern wild"

The film " beasts of the southern wild "is directed by Benh Zeitlin. This movie is based by an bayou in Louisiana called the "bathtub". This little girl that six years old they call her hush puppy she lives with her dad. Her mom passed away when she was younger so she never got to met her. The children in the school are being taught by Miss Bathsheba about nature and about how the ice is melting in the antarctic and how if the ice keeps melting the Bathtub can sink since its surrounded by water. As soon as Hush puppy gets home she try's looking for her dad then she notices that he is missing. When her father returns he is wearing a hospital gown showing that he came from the hospital, Hush puppy is confused and asking him why was he gone and then they begin to argue thats when hush puppy gets mad and starts a fire in the house and trys hiding so her father won't find her eventually he does and starts yelling at her and they start going at it again and hush puppy says some harsh words to her dad. After, saying those harsh words her dad begins to have a heart attack. The film to me was Ok. I say this because it wasn't a film that really caught my attention yes it did have many interesting parts but it also had many parts that were confusing to me. I rate this film a 6 out of 10. 

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