Thursday, January 11, 2018

Beasts of the southern wild

Image result for beasts of the southern wild

This was a really good movie and I would definitely watch it again because I was very interested in this movie. To me this movie told a story about family and why you should never leave them behind and it was also about being brave like he little girl “hushpuppy”. That’s what her father called her, he just wanted the best for his child and was determined to give her that. On the other hand, Hushpuppy was determined to stay with her father forever but he knew that he was sick and dying so that wouldn’t be possible. They lived in a little village that was very beat up and raggety and unlivable but didn’t want to go anywhere else. This movie taught me a lesson to never forget, Never take things for granted in life because there are people that have nothing and still live their best life. This little girl kept her faith in her father throughout the whole movie because she knew that the next day would be better than the last. This movie was full of different elements, feelings,and lessons, I would have to give this movie a 5 for everything. I would watch more movies written by this person even if they aren’t the same genre because I just like they have more lessons in what the show and they are passionate about what they do.

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