Friday, April 29, 2016

Bonnie & Clyde

This film was directed by Arthur Penn, written by David Newman, Robert Benton; starring Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Michael J. Pollard. A well known film based around a romantic involved couple as well as criminally involved partners. It's 1934 and Clyde finds his way to Bonnie who at the time was a waitress. It takes no time at all for them to be attracted to each other, sexually, physically, etc.

They also find that they think it's best they team up so they can have more time together, make money together from the banks they rob, and have fun. Who else better to have as a partner than your significant other? Along the way they recruit a few others to improve the strategy they take on so they're able to rob banks flawlessly.

A gangster/romance/ comedy all in the same token which makes this movie that much better. All these factors that add into this amusing film, that comes with an unexpected twist.. Love affair? Murder? Break up? Or maybe all three?

In my opinion this movie is very relatable to viewers because we all want that one person that we're in a relationship to be our lover, our partner in crime, and our best friend all in one. Someone who can hold you down no matter the circumstances. But the movie isn't all about the couple of focus because they're on the run from the law enforcement. But they have each other, money, and freedom what else could they want? Movie had me drawn all through and it shows because this movie is an award winning film as well.

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