Friday, April 29, 2016

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Beasts of the Southern Wild was directed and written by Benh Zeitlin, starring Quvenzhané Wallis as Hushpuppy, and Dwight Henry as her father Wink. Hushpuppy (one of the few nicknames her father gave her) and her father live in a small community referred to as "The Bathtub" located in Louisiana. 

We see that her father doesn't focus much on the fact that she is a little girl but as a little boy. He gives her the responsibility of maintaining her own house by her father's. He also expects her to be strong emotionally, and physically. When she gets emotional it upsets him because he didn't raise her in this manner. We also learn that her mother is no longer around so her father has a great impact in who she is. 

Throughout the movie reality and Huspuppy's imagination would easily confuse a viewer, as it confused me. The movie title is heavily incorporated into the movie. The way Hushpuppy and her father lived isn't necessarily the way we live ours. This title can be interpreted in many ways. I see it as they were beasts because they fanned for themselves, and did what they had to do to survive. They live in a community with people just like them. Louisiana is also located in the South.

This movie to me was amazing, it expressed a rather imaginary/realistic order of events. It captured a very real aftermath of a flood. Along with what we would have to do to fen for ourselves. In most cases we have our mother and fathers or just mothers, but in this case she only has her dad. Which is great because he teaches her strength in all forms. Just as capable as a mother can teach this, this movie captures how impacting your parent can be on you.

As we watched how Huspuppy had a hard time accepting the fact that she had to let go of her father. This part of the film drew me in because she already lost her mother and now she's be losing her father. Her father didn't want her to cry but they both had a break through when they both began to cry. This scene was a real tear jerker, overall this movie was great. With great actors to play their roles with a very powerful storyline.

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