Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Vinny O Breakfast Club Blog

      The Breakfast Club is directed and produced by John Hughes. This movie is a great flash to the past movie. It takes place in detention of the high school the five main characters attend. This is on a weekend so there is only a couple of staff. The beginning of the movie starts off with the parents dropping off their children. This is a great way to show the background of a character, because they are essentially their roots. Showing how they interact with their parents and how they act in front of other individuals really makes you believe they aren't just actors. John Hughes did an outstanding job in my opinion on creating realism and the aspects of the student to administrator interactions. This is a movie most teenagers can relate to, and therefore will enjoy. I know I sure do.
      The characters are also very relatable and people can tend to have a favorite. There's a jock, a basket case, a brain, a princess, and a criminal. Now, not saying that someone will be a criminal in the literal sense, but the character that has this trait is more on the care free side. John Bender is the only one that isn't dropped off by his parents. He walks to the school instead of being driven because his parents seem to have a tenancy to abuse him mentally and physically. He refers to a cigar burn scar his father gave him further on in the film. He also mentions on what his father got him for Christmas, which was a carton of cigarettes.

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