Saturday, March 7, 2015

Malcolm X Heather Bailey

Spike Lee's, "Malcolm X" is a great biography that celebrated the whole sweep of an american life that started out in sorrow and in the worst of the worst parts of the streets and in prison before its hero reinvented himself. While watching the film I began to realize that we all can change our lives and fate doesn't deal all of the cards out. Not only is this film inspirational and educational, its entertaining which every film should be, because entertainment is what draws the eyes of the viewers. Honestly Denzel Washington played the role of Malcolm X so well, I thought I was watching Malcolm X himself right in that movie. Ever since the movie started playing I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. It was awesome to see how Malcolm X's mindset and religion changed throughout the movie. In the movie it was as if he wanted to be white in the beginning, you know always perming his hair trying to make it straighter and straighter, until he stopped because in jail he met a muslim prisoner who began to teach him the great ways of the muslim religion and how to accept himself as an "Afro-American." The phrase "Afro- American" really became such a great value to Malcolm and he wanted every black person to recognize themselves as that.  After Malcolm leaves jail, he attends the temple and meets Elijah Muhammad, where he then becomes a muslim preacher and starts walking the streets trying to get more and more to convert. As Malcolm gets more recognized and starts getting looked up to his brothers start telling lies to Elijah Muhammad, which leads to them trying to kill him by burning his house down and bombing his car and sending death threats to the house phone. Which also leads Malcolm to start staying at hotels, leaving his wife and kids home to answer the threatening phone calls. When they actually do kill Malcolm X it really becomes an eye opener for all even MLK.

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