Everyday [two words] Ree teaches her siblings how to hunt and cook, basic survival skills. But soon she finds out from Sheriff Basken (Garret Dillahunt) that her criminal [father] has put their house up for bond. So she sets out to find him in order to keep her and the rest of her family from ending up homeless. Ree knows her father is off doing meth so she starts there with a meth-head named Teardrop (John Hawkins) [her uncle/father's older brother]. Then tries to talk to the local crime boss, Thump Milton (Ronnie Hall), but he refused to talk to her. Ree doesn't find much information on her father and he [sic] location. Stories begin to arise about her father dying in a meth lab fire or skipped town for good [shift in tense]. Things begin to worsen when the bondsman show up [subject verb agreement] at the house threatening the family.
Winter's Bone in my opinion was not a good film. For me I didn't find the plot interested, and there wasn't anything that made me want to keep watching. The setting made the film feel so sad, which I did not like. Also, the fact that the film involved meth as like a crazy outbreak. This was not my type of movie. I know this is somewhat of a thriller film, but in my opinion I think it lacked being thrilling. I just add that I absolutely loved Jennifer Lawrence for this part. I think she brought I both strong welling [???] and also slightly scared female to the character Ree. I think she was the best fit for this movie.
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