Thursday, October 15, 2015

Qunicy on Touch of Evil

Touch of Evil is a textbook example of film noir (a French term meaning "black" film). This movie had many surprises to it, The famous detective Vargas was put through a new type of situation in work and this dangerous situation involved his wife. Vargas and his wife trying to enjoy a nice honeymoon but with him being a big shot in the police world he was interrupted and needed to do some work while on his honeymoon. This movie goes to show how serious and dangerous being a detective can be. Vargas's wife was raped and then kidnapped while she was at her motel. They took their time, they didn't  rush it, they needed to take her at the perfect time or else they would have been caught out. This movie also goes to show how racist they law can be too. Police  Captin Quinlin framed an innocent mexican man for a murder he was responsible for.

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