Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Malcolm X: By Darious Cooper

Malcolm X was the film that made me like taking film studies. It tested what I thought I knew about black history in those segregated time periods. Malcolm X opened my eyes to the actually struggles of black American men women and children that, because of him, I don't have to experience anymore. It also opened my eyes to the spirit of hungry men. Hungry for power, and willing to do unjust acts just to prove a point. The scene in this movie that stuck with me the longest was his assassination. It was the level of animosity that caught my eyes. Instead of ending it with the one shot, they filled his entire body with bullets and even reloading and switched guns. The fact that they were other black men, people Malcolm had spent his whole life trying to help, really showed me that you can't really completely trust anyone. The conspiracy that the nation of Islam was behind his murder is a fascination that leaves you thinking after the film. All in all tho, this film was really a must watch, it grabbed my attention the whole time.

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