Creed, the 2015 Rocky spin-off sequel of the franchise. I considered more of a sequel because it involves enough of Rocky to be a sequel. Is it good. Absolutely!
Apollo Creed's son Adonis also haves the heart of a boxing and contact the now retired Rocky Balboa to train. And there's training, fights and drama and its all great.
Ryan Coogler is two for two and likely three for three very soon. Something about his directing is very fantastic and the fights scenes are just spectacular. He is a great director for somebody who is 31.
Michael B. Jordan is fantastic as Adonis. He brings the drama, heart and soul to this character and he brought 110% to the role. This could be Sylvester Stallone best role, a least as Rocky who brings back the soul and humanity of the character. He should won the Oscar that year, but Mark Rylance, who did won was the best pest of Bridge of Spies. Tessa Thompson is great as Bianca and I love her relationship with Adonis. I want to see more from her, especially after Thor: Ragnarok.
I loved the drama in this movie. There's three scenes that stuck out to me. The first is the scene is where Rocky puts flowers on the graves of Paulie and Adrian which is emotional. The second is after Adonis ends up in jail and Rocky visits him and tell him to lets go of his emotions of his father. I loved because having a relationship to a person you never met must be so hard to deal with. I also loved the last scene because it so emotional and motivational.
Creed is the second best Rocky movie in the series. My ranking for the series is the first, Creed, Balboa, Rocky IV, Rocky II, Rocky III (two and three might flip-flop each other) and Rocky V. Creed has the emotional core and drama the first had and is absolutely a fantastic movie.
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