In Film Studies we viewed both versions of the Great Gatsby and I enjoyed the 2013 rendition directed by Baz Luhrman more than the 1974 directed by Jack Clayton for one reason and one reason only. In the 74' version Gatsby is just a rich man, he has a big house with nice parties but that is it. When reading the book by Scott F. Fitzgerald, Gatsby is this bigger than life character, someone that is unforgettable. In the 2013 movie Gatsby is just that and I believe that if the creator of The Great Gatsby Scott F. Fitzgerald was still alive today he would want Gatsby to be portrayed just like how Baz Luhrman portrayed him.
When it came to the soundtrack and its selection, at first I did not believe that it was appropriate for the time, the movie was supposed to be taken place in the 30's where swing music was at its highest. But after careful reconsideration I realized that the instrumental to the music had deep roots in Jazz, and Blues something very appropriate for the era. When it came to the artist singing and rapping over the the track they were telling a story of the time while still pleasing its 21st Century audience.
Both versions of the film tell the same story, its just that the story tellers have to very distinct ways of telling the story.
Overall I believe that the 2013 version of the Great Gatsby was the superior film and I would rate that film as a 9/10. The big name artist, actors, detailed CGI created a larger than life film, something Scott F. Fitzgerald would be proud of.
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