Saturday, November 8, 2014

Psycho: Thoughts for the beginning and middle

The movie Psycho is really great so far. I am enjoying it almost as much as Alien. The first class we started watching it I was confused as to why Marion had stolen the money in the first place. Then I was wondering what she planned on doing now that she had committed such a serious crime. When she arrived at the Bates Motel it seemed very suspicious and creepy. The guy who was running the motel, Norman, seemed a bit suspicious at first and turned out really creepy when he introduced his "special" hobby, taxidermy, which was stuffing birds. I was wondering why she didn't feel like she was in any danger because this guy was clearly creepy. Also he had said that "a boy's best friend is his mother," which means he probably has never left that house which adds to his creepiness. I felt the actor who played Norman performed really well in the film so far.

The next class when we continued watching it we got to the good part.

The famous shower scene. I wasn't expecting her to die yet; however, when I saw that she went to take a shower I knew this part was coming. I wondered afterwards who it could be that had killed her. Then when Norman just covered it up I still hadn't suspected that it was actually his mother who committed the crime. I was really shocked when the detective was stabbed by the crazy mom. I'm curious to see what's going to happen next and what's going to happen to Norman and his psycho mother.

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