Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rocky : The Italian Dare Devil...

    "Destiny has a strange way of manifesting itself, the movie Rocky is a golden example of this."

        The movie Rocky starts punching..literally. We find our protagonist in the ring beginning to fight his next contender. This approach to starting a film always intrigues me and don't expect anything less from Rocky. The crowd, the sweat, the flashes from the various cameras in the audience all seem to fully immerse you into a world that is both dynamic and mysterious. Even though this is the first scene I already get a sense of whats to come, and I became thrilled for every minute of it.

         As the story progresses we learn a ton of facts about our protagonist that, despite what you may have felt in the first scene, forces you to criticize both his character and his decisions. Rocky, a "leg breaker" for a loan shark", reveals himself to be a determined and misunderstood individual. After meeting Adrian, who later on becomes his girlfriend, we began to see a new side of rocky. He soon is challenged by Apollo Creed, which proves itself to be a test of both his physical and mental stability. As Rocky prepares for this challenge his pushed to the limit to the point where, through introspection, he realizes that his destiny is not to defeat Apollo Creed, but simply to go the distance.

          The fight begins and as the camera angles sway along with our hero walking towards the arena, a new feeling emerges in the air. The sound of the crowd and feeling of anticipation creates a thin layer of tension within the viewer as you, hopefully by now, are rooting for our protagonist to accomplish his goal. As the fight occurs you gain an enormous amount of reverence for our hero as he endures punch after brutal punch. As the fight ends, we see that Rocky's faith and spirit have been pushed to its limits as even though he loses the match, he goes the distance. Ultimately Rocky claims his own personal victory and gives both himself and the viewer the satisfaction by persevering through unseen obstacles to accomplish his goal. Destiny has a strange way of manifesting itself, the movie Rocky is a golden example of this.   

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