Monday, September 22, 2014

Shawn Luzzi dives into Sugar (Spoiler shtuff lel)

Shawn Luzzi dives into Sugar

Intro to film studies 9/22/14

Watching more on Sugar, and taking my learnings from class and putting them into thought, I do find that some elements of film-making are put into play in this film, specifically three things: Diegetic sound, Non-diegetic sounds, and montages. Montages can be seen in this film after Miguel was given headphones for "TV on Radio" and the music from the radio became non-diegetic sound as the scene transition for a montage of Miguel being very successful at baseball. In a way, this could also be foreshadowing, as success could come crashing down eventually. 

1 comment:

  1. Shawn,

    Thanks for keeping me in the loop; I made reference to "Gary Stu" recently in a personal handout.
