Rocky Balboa: The Italian Stallion |
Director: John G. Avildsen
Screen Writer/actor: Sylvester Stallone
Honestly, this movie was very fascinating. The theme, the lectures, the character development, and even the music!, was such a great mixture together. This isn't one of those just plain "just get to the fight already" movies, this film shows the challenges one goes through; physically and mentally. Nothing stops one from getting the opportunity of doing something that they love.
In the beginning of the film, Rocky Balboa, mostly known as the "Italian Stallion", shows his background as a loving boxer fighter and animals, who is working for Gazo(Joe Spinell), as being a muscle, on collecting money from people that need to pay him off. He is mostly under titled as a "
Bum" in most cases. His low key admirer, Adrian (Talia Shire), who works in the pet shop, sells him the food for his two turtles and Rocky trying to talk to her by cracking corny jokes, is very shy as a person.
Throughout in the movie, Rocky then has a relationship with Adrian and they both seem to have stuff in common, as in their nature of shyness. Once they knew they both had the same lack of confidence, they started becoming open with each other, which made them be known as meant for each other. Since Rocky is a boxer, Pro fighter, Apollo Creed ( Carl Weathers), needed to fight an opponent on the Bicentennial day which is an anniversary day of a significant event. Soon then, he chooses Rocky, the Italian Stallion against Apollo Creed, because his opponents name, Italian Stallion, seemed the right name to get people grabbed on.
Soon after they set down the fight, Mickey ( Burgess Meredith), who is boxer trainer, goes to Rocky's apartment and asks if he needs a manager, Rocky then tries finding ways to ignore him, but Mickey has experience as boxer and knows what Rocky will need, but then Rocky tells him "
You never been there for me when i asked you 10 years ago, what happened on being there for me 10 years ago!?". Mickey then feeling bad, leaves the apartment, then Rocky then goes outside and talks to Mickey that he'll need him. This part was very sentimental because Mickey went through what Rocky is going through now, as in fighting for the heavy weight title, but never got exposure of who he beat.
Before the day of the fight, Rocky sneaks into the ring of where he is going to fight and observes. He then returns to his place and talks to Adrian on how he's not going to fight. This scene shows that as much love he has for boxing, his self doubt in him self feels scared of getting the opportunity of fighting for a title against a professional fighter. Adrian then tells him that he could do it, and he's ready for it. Sooner later, he fights Apollo Creed, he makes history for bringing down Creed in his first time ever and lasted all 15 rounds. Rocky then loses to Apollo Creed but then realizes his success of taking all the beatings he got in the ring and in his life. That shows the self discipline, one has and also, the love one has.